Sophie Ristelhueber
argentic photo

Born in 1949 in Paris
Works and lives in Paris
For more than twenty years, Sophie Ristelhueber, has pursued a reflection on territory and its history, through the singular approach towards ruins and traces left by a man in places devastated by war or natural disasters. Using the means of the photography, the installation and the publishing, she is attached to the presentation of bare facts and footrpints of the history in human bodies and landscapes, by making wounds and scars visible, the real memories of traumas.
Her work has been exhibited in numerous international institutions, among which MoMA (New York, US), Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, US), Albright-Knox Art Gallery (Buffalo, US), The Power Plant (Toronto, CA), Tate Modern (London, GB), Imperial War Museum (London, GB), biennials of Johannesburg, Sao Paulo, Triennial of Etchigo-Tsumari, Rencontres Photographiques d'Arles, and in Paris, MNAM Centre Pompidou, Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Musée Zadkine, Musée Rodin ...